MOOD Scientific Conference, 26th-27th November 2024, Rome, Italy - Call for abstracts

MOnitoring Outbreaks for Disease surveillance in a data science context      Funded by the European Commission, grant agreement n°874850


Dear participant,

we would be very happy to welcome you in our final MOOD Scientific conference to be held at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy (see the location).


This conference will provide a forum for showcasing current research and findings in the field, identifying critical questions and future research challenges, providing new tools, data and models for Epidemic Intelligence produced by the EU-funded MOOD project (grant agreement No 874850), and highlighting the inter-disciplinary approaches needed to meet them under the One Health umbrella.

Theme of this year: "Emerging infectious diseases in Europe: Challenges and opportunities in data sharing and modelling of response for improved One Health"
More information about the event:
More information on the MOOD project:
Required language: English
Call for abstract*: open until 30th June, 2024
Revisions and email of acceptance: July 2024
Please provide 1 abstract per questionnaire filled in.

*The information collected in this form is processed by the DPO of CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) as data controller, for the MOOD research project.

This collect is for logistical & communication purposes as well as for sharing meeting documentation. This data processing operation is based on your consent.

Your personal data is stored only for the necessary duration to achieve the said purposes, without prejudice to applicable regulation and no longer than 31st December 2024. It is destined to CIRAD and can be transferred to ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy).

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and local data protection law, in particular French 78-17 “Informatique et LIbertés” Law dated 1978 January 6th in its modified version, you are entitled the rights of access, modification, erasure and portability (when applicable) of your personal data, and of limitation and opposition of its processing, with the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can claim those rights writing to our Data protection Officer ( You also have a right to submit a complaint directly to the appropriate data protection Supervisory Authority.

There are 12 questions in this survey.